Monday, October 10, 2011

I became the Mom whos kids are crazy!!

So today was a great except for one little thing.  I picked my son up from school today and we had to go to town and get some groceries. That is one perk that we do not have living in the country.  Any who, so I decided to start using coupons to start saving money.  Which really in my head would help justify my little shopping sprees every now and then.  So, I'm in the grocery store and with the help of my two wonderful children, we are trying to pick thing out.  The whole time walking through the store i am trying to go through my coupons and see whats on sale and what i have a coupon for. Not quite the extreme couponing but close to it.  lol! My daughter doesn't want to stay seated in the cart and my son is just being loud and walking up and down the aisle.  I keep telling him to get back here and be quiet.  I swear the more I tell him the more he wants to do.  And I am sure that for the most part my kids get under my skin more than they do others.  So by the time we get to the check out line and proceeding with the check out my son decides to lay on the floor where everyone walks in and starts singing "BINGO" (the dog song).  And I'm ready to just shoot him. I now know why sometimes animals eat there young!  But at the end of the day, it is what it is.  He's just 4! I just have to take a deep breath and laugh. I love my kids so much but there are days.  Hope everyone enjoys my little story.  Its nothing major or to important, just thought I would share.  I know there has to be other moms out there that feel the same on some days. Have a wonderful Tuesday everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I am sharing with my mom. Signed up for your email. We will be waiting for post #3- no pressure! love you! Thanks for coming on board. You are always such a good sport! Loving it!

